Doctors who accept liens are participating in a system that helps patients receive care after an accident. This system requires the cooperation of the doctor, the patient, and the patient’s attorney.
What are medical liens?
Medical liens are legal documents that obligate you to pay doctor’s fees out of funds from a future legal settlement. You can see an example of a medical lien at USLegal.
Who can use a medical lien?
If you need care for an injury that was caused by an accident, you may be able to use a medical lien. In simple terms, if you are suing the person or entity that is responsible for your injury, and your lawyer thinks you will win, doctors who accept liens will let you use the expected settlement as a promise to pay.

Why would you use a medical lien?
Medical liens allow you to receive care immediately that you could not otherwise afford. As an example, imagine that you were in a car accident that left you with a painful back injury. If you do not have health insurance or personal funds that will cover your care, you might have to suffer with the pain.
However, say that you are working with a personal injury lawyer to reach a settlement with the automobile insurance of the driver who was responsible for the accident. You may be looking forward to receiving enough money to pay for the care you need, but it may be months or even years away.
In this case, doctors who accept liens can go ahead and give you the care you need. The lien will guarantee that they will be paid from the money you receive from the settlement.
Do all doctors accept medical liens?
No. Doctors that specialize in treating the kinds of injuries that result from accidents are more likely to be doctors who accept liens. They may be neurologists, chiropractors, or physical therapists, among other specialists.
The standard of care you receive from doctors who accept liens is the same high quality care that any of their other patients receive. You are not “second rate” because you have deferred payment.
Your attorney may recommend a doctor, or you can search online for organizations that match doctors with people who need care. There are many doctors throughout the country that will work with you.
What happens if the settlement does not cover the medical bills?
This situation is not impossible, but it is unlikely. An experienced attorney has confidence in the size of the settlement that is likely in any particular case. He or she can counsel you on the general amount you can expect. You can then work with the doctor to make a treatment plan that offers you the best care within your budget.
Your medical lien should clearly spell out what happens if your case fails and you receive no settlement or a much smaller settlement than you anticipated. Who will be responsible for paying the bills? Be sure you understand this part of the document.