Consisting of 33 bones and an assortment of discs, joints, and nerves, the human spine is often affected in some way by personal injuries. Regardless of the circumstances involved, the first priority if you are injured in an accident is to seek appropriate medical care. But if you do not have access to health insurance, you may not be able to afford much more than basic care. One solution worth considering is seeking more extensive assistance from spine specialists on lien. Here’s why.
Immediate Access to Expert Care
While ER and primary care doctors certainly do their best to assess what’s going on with your spine, there are times when specialized care is needed. Spine specialists on lien can perform image tests, nerve conduction studies, and other tests that often provide valuable information. Having immediate access to specialized care may also result in:
- Reduced risk of long-term spine problems
- Improved odds of recovery
- A better response to physical therapy and rehab efforts

Fewer Financial Headaches
Arrangements with spine specialists on lien are based on an understanding that compensation you may receive from legal action related to your accident will be used to pay your medical expenses. Such an understanding means you won’t have to deal with added stress and anxiety as you recover from a spine-related injury. There’s also research suggesting excess stress contributes to inflammation and slows down the body’s natural healing processes.
A More Accurate Diagnosis
If you opt not to seek specialized spinal treatment, you may not receive an accurate diagnosis. In turn, this could result in attempts at treatment that aren’t focused on the actual cause of your symptoms. Therefore, you could end up wasting money on treatments that do not address the actual source of your pain.
For instance, it’s common for a herniated disc to press on a nerve in a way that produces symptoms felt in nearby areas along the nerve’s pathway, like your arms and legs. A specialist can perform the right kind of tests to make a diagnosis that’s more likely to be accurate so you’re not just masking symptoms.
Access to a Wide Range of Spine Specialists
Spine specialists on lien can include a wide range of qualified individuals beyond orthopedic specialists. For example, in order to receive the full range of care you need to be diagnosed and treated, you might have arrangements with any of the following specialists on lien:
- Pain management physicians
- Neurosurgeons
- Physical therapists
- Rheumatologists
- Anesthesiologists
- Occupational therapists
It’s not always possible to immediately know what types of specialists you may need as your care progresses. One way to address this issue is to seek a lien arrangement with one specialist to start so you can receive an accurate diagnosis. Once the source of your pain is identified with a fair degree of certainty, you’ll likely have a better idea of what other specialists you may need to see. This will allow you or your attorney to search for additional specialists willing to wait to get paid until you receive payments from either a settlement or court judgment.
The most appropriate time to consider seeking treatment from spine specialists on lien is when you know you’ll have difficulty covering your medical expenses because you currently have little or no insurance. An attorney can help you work out the details associated with the agreements you’ll need to sign to enter into an arrangement of this nature with various spine-related specialists.