The spine and its discs, nerves, and vertebrae and joints in hips, knees, shoulders, and ankles are among the many parts of the body that can be affected a serious accident. If injuries of this nature are the result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses. But if you do not have insurance, you may not have the immediate funds necessary to pay for the care you need now as you wait for legal actions to be taken on your behalf by an attorney. One solution to this problem is orthopedic doctors on lien.
What Do Orthopedic Doctors on Lien Do?
Orthopedic doctors on lien are like any other doctors specializing in the care of patients with bone, spinal, soft tissue, or joint problems in that they provide the treatment necessary to increase your odds of recovering from your injuries. The main difference is that orthopedic specialists willing to accept medical liens agree not to bill you for their services until you receive compensation related to your case.

What Are the Benefits of Medical Liens with Orthopedic Doctors?
Even a seemingly minor soft tissue injury like whiplash or a muscle strain can have a significant impact on your quality of life if you don’t receive an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Seeking immediate treatment from an orthopedic doctor could also reduce your risk of the following issues related to your injuries:
- Over-reliance on pain medications
- Injuries getting worse due to lack of treatment
- Reduced mobility or range of motion due to related inflammation and pain associated with certain movements
- An inability to perform certain tasks
- A reduced quality of life
What Kind of Orthopedic Doctors/Specialists Can You See?
There are many options available with orthopedic doctors on lien. As long as an orthopedic doctor or specialist or the clinic or hospital they work is willing to enter into a medical lien contract, you should be able to receive the care you need. If there is a need to find out the actual source of your symptoms, for instance, you might initially see a general orthopedic doctor so X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, muscle strength and nerve tests, and other specialized tests can be performed. Once the extent of your injuries is known, you may benefit from medical lien arrangements with:
- Musculoskeletal therapists
- Orthopedic surgeons
- Orthopedic techs to help you learn how to use crutches and implement other aspects of your care
- Spine or joint specialists
- Musculoskeletal radiologists if highly specialized image tests are needed
- Rheumatologists if your injuries may have worsened symptoms you already had because of existing arthritis
- Orthopedic nurses to assist you during your recovery
Even with orthopedic doctors on lien arrangements, it’s important to carefully monitor any billing statements and other related documents you may receive. The purpose of doing so is to make sure you are being assessed a fair rate for the services provided. Most healthcare providers who accept medical lien contracts do this, but it never hurts to look out for any irregularities with billing before fees from orthopedic doctors and specialists are taken out of your settlement or judgment funds.